Thursday, December 2, 2010

So, what have YOU got to be grateful for?

Yesterday I spoke about comparisons, and why they can sometimes be a bad thing.

Here's a common technique that I'm trying out that is about making positive reflections on our lives.  It's about practicing gratitude.

Most of us don't actually have to think too hard to find things that were grateful for.  Whether it's our health, our home, friends, family, the shiny bike we ride or whatever.  The problem is that we are trained to seek more.  We're conditioned by advertising to aspire to a shinier bike, a bigger home, a flashier holiday.  As human beings were prone to something called status anxiety too, so the advertisers tell us that the Jones' have more, do more and are more than we are.  They prey on that human tendency somewhat.  And when we focus on these things that perhaps we can't have, we feel bad about ourselves.

Perhaps what's even worse is when we aspire to that new car, we get it and very quickly the shine wears off.  What a shame.  I drive a beautiful Mercedes.  I got it brand new.  What do you think I notice when I get in it?  The comfy leather seats, intuitive phone integration, comprehensive safety features?  No.  I look at the model that's next up the line and focus on my smaller engine, less fancy wheels and lack of GPS.  What a crying shame....  (gee I'm actually embarrassed writing this).

Anyway, enough of that.

The Gratitude Journal.  This process or technique is about refocusing your attention onto those things that you're grateful for.  I've been recommending this exercise in many of my workshops for some time now but have not yet really implemented it myself.  At least not consistently, which is where the benefit lies.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Get a pen and piece of paper
  2. Pause and reflect on your day (or your life) - focusing on all the things you're grateful for.  Even if you think nothing good has happened to you today I'd beg to differ.  Consider... "I got hit by a car today".  Grateful Reflection... "Thank god it wasn't a truck!"
  3. Write these things down.
  4. (Advanced)  Share them with somebody.
  5. Do this daily.
My Observations.

This is what I noticed as I started to write the list.
  • If you start with your life it might be easier to find things to be grateful for but at some point you'll need to shift the focus to your day.  Otherwise you'll find the ideas may start to become 'stale'.
  • Just start writing, even if it's silly little things to begin with.  Don't judge yourself, just write.
  • This requires discipline.  I find it hard to sustain the practice.  Perhaps anchor it to something that you already do consistently, like eat breakfast, or brushing your teeth.
I'll share today's list with you in a second.  

Here's a variation for Busy Workers.  We tend to judge our performance by the amount of work left to do.  In my experience the volume of work we face is a veritable tsunami and we'd never get through it all if we worked 24/7 as there's always more around the corner.  Once a week, preferably on a Friday.  Stop and reflect on your week and make a list of all the things that you DID get done.  How does that make you feel?  

My Gratitude List for Today

I’m grateful for…
·      The opportunity to sleep in on some weekday mornings
·      My wife Kirsten, who is so supportive of me… always
·      The chances I was given as a child
·      The possibilities in my future
·      The affection of a devoted pet – Buddy
·      The support I receive from my wonderful friends
·      The chance to work with groups of people who want to become more effective managers
·      To be able to make myself a great coffee
·      To be able to earn in income from something I like doing

Feel free to share your ideas with me.  It maybe a good way to get started?

Till next time,

Be Happy :-)


  1. Great blog. I totally enjoyed reading it and am
    looking forward to reading more. I hope there is lots more where that came from - I feel happier / more grateful just for having read it. Thanks. Love Kirt

  2. I decided to do the grateful exercise as a running diary in my computer. I opened my word document and thought I should date each entry. But I didn't know the date for today. So I guess "I am grateful for having a life so relaxed that I don't need to know the date" xx


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