I'm sick. :-(
I seem to have come down with the flu or some such thing. I'm not really surprised, although I don't get sick often. It doesn't seem to serious. Its moving through it's stages quickly so that's a good thing.
Anyway, it got me to thinking. I'd made a prediction recently about a friend. He's been working his ring off for 24 months, the past 10 of which have been more stressful as budgets were tighter and work more sparse. Still busy though. He's now in Brasil enjoying an 8 week break as he and his wife go back to visit her family for the first time in 5 yrs. I told him to watch out as he might get sick in the first week or so.
Have you seen that before? You work (or train) hard and then go on holidays (or taper for a race) and bam! You get sick. I'm sure you have. Here's why.
Let's say you take a frog (don't do this, take my word for it or read up on it) and drop it in a glass of boiling water. It'll jump out. Immediately. If however you pop it in a glass of cool water and slowly raise the temperature, degree by degree. What do you think will happen?
The frog will stay in the water. It won't jump out. The frogs skin and nerves that measure heat aren't sensitive enough to note the small (1 degree) changes in temperature so it doesn't register. (I'm probably getting out of my depth scientifically now so I'll leave it there).
Humans, similarly, don't notice the gradual build up of our stress. In this case the stress from our environment and how we choose to think about our lives. So, when said friend goes on holiday and completely drops his work (stress) related activity, his body will realise that the time of self-preservation and survival has passed and it can now start to work on repairing itself -in this case fighting off the infection, or re-building after prolonged exposure to stress.
Did my gratitude list again today. That's 3 in a row! You guys are helping me to do that, so thanks.
I'm noticing that's its a bit easier to jot things down if I take the pressure of myself about 'what it might sounds like'. I feel like I'm more engaged by the activity, person or thing that I'm grateful for which is a good thing.
Till next time,
Be Happy
I find the sick concept (letting go) interesting. I am watching it take place almost every weekend. My husband works interstate Monday to Friday and flies home on weekends. He is wrecked for the weekend , sleeps alot and feels lethargic. We talked about it and he said he feels it when he gets home, a kind of release. On the flip side I on the otherhand can prevent getting sick by simply by not allowing myself to be sick. If i feel symptoms coming on I tell myself that I simply can't be sick because I have to take care of my kids and quite magically I wake up fine the next day. How powerful the mind can be. xx